Cut Commercials
- Set the Start and End Points for the first segment using the navigation controls

- Click the "Add" button to add your start and edit points to the EDL (Edit Decision List)

- Repeat steps 1 and 2 above for all your segments
- To test a join between two entries in the EDL:
- Select the first entry
- Hold the CTRL button down on the keyboard and click on the second entry
- Right click on the entry and select "Test Edit Point"
- You can move edit lines in the EDL window by dragging and dropping the line to it's new location
- You can delete a line in the EDL window by selecting it and clicking the "Del" button
- Once all your edit points have been set, Click the "Edit" button to begin the edit
- The status window will display the progress of the Edit
- Once finished, the Internal Viewer will launch so you can check your edit