How Tos:

Quick Start
Cut Commercials
Strip Streams
Table Editor
Direct Show Control
Direct Show Troubleshooting


  1. Drag and Drop a Transport Stream file into the Video Preview window
  2. TSPE will quickly scan your file and report some stream information
  3. Use the navigation buttons and the trackbar to find the start point of your edit

  4. Navigation Controls

  5. Click the "Set" button under the "Start Point" label
  6. Click the "Test" button to quickly check the edit point is where you want it
  7. The Internal Viewer will appear and start playing the start point for a few seconds

  8. Internal Viewer Playing

  9. Close the Internal Viewer
  10. If necessary, fine tune the start point by using the navigation buttons and the "Set" / "Test" buttons until you are satisfied the position is correct
  11. Use the Navigation buttons and trackbar to find the end point of your edit
  12. Click the "Set" button under the "End Point" label
  13. Click the "Test" button to quickly check the edit point is where you want it
  14. The Internal Viewer will appear and start playing the end point for a few seconds
  15. Close the Internal Viewer
  16. If necessary, fine tune the end point by using the navigation buttons and the "Set" / "Test" buttons until you are satisfied the position is correct
  17. Ensure the output file is correct under the "Save As" textbox. By default, ".edit" is appended to the end of the file name
  18. Click the "Edit" button to trim your file. TSPE will begin the edit process
  19. Once the edit process is complete, the Internal Viewer will launch so you can preview your edit